35mm Season
The season of films originally named “Late Nights” are a series of curated films projected in their original format of 35mm and shown in the old style, iconic Everyman Screen on the Green. The season needed a new name, a reform and a redesign. 35mm is the film reel you would classically recognise as the old school cinema tape. The same tapes get transported across multiple countries and are used in countless cinemas. I wanted to replicate this idea of wear and tear, age and experience in the new identity. So when forming the grid of film images each one is bit-mapped into grainy black lines. I’ve used additional grain and scratches to give texture and hand drew the famous neon cinema sign as the header. If you look closely the border is made up of the tape too. Every few months we launch a folded flyer and a keepsake poster for the customers that attend (as the demographic are hard core old school cinema enthusiasts) the design is also developed across social and web.